Tuesday 31 March 2015

DIY(best out of waste)Tooth brush holder

Hi all creative people... 

Creativity does not have any working hours for me, thoughts about creating something new keeps rolling in my mind. I feel very joyful While doing any creative project, It just combines my heart and mind at one place. I think everybody is born with some kind of creativity in them, the only difference is many people are not able to recognise it throughout there life. Our creations may not impress everyone, but the most important thing which creativity gives us is the 100 percent feeling of joy, feeling of being happy. So do not hide the child in us and let the creativity hidden in us flourish.

Here, I am sharing my cute Tooth brush holder i created using a waste water bottle and a Tropicana juice bottle cap. I am sharing my creation step by step to make it more clear and simple. It's so simple and cute.

Let's get started,

Step 1: Cut any drinking water bottle into half depending on what length you want for your holder using a cutter.

Step 2: Take any big and hard bottle cap which is approximately the size of your bottle base, I am using Tropicana juice bottle cap and stick the cap to the bottle using a hot glue gun. This makes the light weight bottle somewhat strong and it will not fell down when you will keep your brushes or anything you want to store in this bottle. (To make it more stronger, you can add marbles or pebbles after finishing the holder with all decoration.)


Step 3: To cover the top of my holder, I have used paper sticker as it also hide the sharpness of bottle. Cut the paper as per the size of bottle boundary and about one inch of width. Cut half inch of whole paper strip at around a centimetre difference.

Step 4: Stick the step 3 paper strip on top of holder as shown below.

Step 5: To make the holder and its bottle cap base look like a complete product and also to hide the uneven base of the bottle i rolled the twine at the bottom of the holder up to around half inch of length, stick the starting and end point of twine with hot glue gun. we cannot stick the whole twine with hot glue gun because the plastic gets melted and shape will be ruined.

Step 6: Now the fun part starts... To decorate and paint your holder as you like. As i am using it as my tooth brush holder, i painted small tooth and a quote 'Healthy smile, Princess Style'. You can decorate it depending on what you want to keep in it.

I hope you liked this,
Enjoy crafting and love being creative.

Thanks for visiting.

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